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Shiver me timbers

The day Anton wept.

Tears of joy flowed freely in the Hoffcon office after receiving some amazing news out of Kakanui in the South Island.

Last week the Waitaki District Council were presented with five bridge options and selected a beautiful timber bridge designed by our Head Bridge Engineer, Anton Kivell.

This is exciting stuff, as we see timber being a key player in the future of sustainable bridges in Aotearoa.

We are very excited to be on this journey with the Waitaki District Council (Michael Harrison REA) and our design partners Riley ConsultantsLand Matters, True-Cost, and DCL Consulting.

If all goes well, we could see construction of the 176m long beauty start next year.

If you are interested in bridges with a negative carbon footprint (and you should be otherwise you are a bad human being) then get in touch and let’s talk timber.

Read more here 👉

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