Introducing Naz Coleman, she’s one of the Hoffcon OGs joining the team back in 2020. After travelling the world with no fixed abode, New Zealand was able to put a ring on it and Naz has settled in Tauranga with her husband Sam.
While her official job title is Construction Business Analyst, we know her as the Chief Operating Officer of Getting Sh*t Done.
If you think you’re good at Excel, you’re not.
Naz eats complex formulas for breakfast. She’s our go to lady for building intricate commercial reports so managers and engineers can see what their dollars are doing. We watch on in awe as her fingers dance across the keyboard weaving together many to ones, ones to manys, power pivots and power queries… yeah that’s right, you don’t even know what that means.
Naz does.
What we’re trying to say is, if you have Naz working on your project, you have hit the jackpot.
Don’t be fooled by her youthful dewy complexion. Even though Naz still gets ID’d when buying a Pinot, she’s got a tonne of experience and an impressive track record in construction administration. We’re so very lucky to have her.