Client: Hey, so we've got this thing that's a bit hard to explain, and we need a video or something to show people how it's all going to work.
Hoffcon: Hold my coffee.

Wellington! You can't beat it on a good day. They had one last week. Upgrades of the scenic route are underway on the Akau Tangi / Evans Bay route with a two-way bike path and separate footpath along the parade.
The upgrades will provide so much room for activities, making it safer and more enjoyable for walking and biking commuters. Wellington City Council engaged Hoffcon to create a construction sequence visualisation. Here's a snip showing how the traffic management will work alongside the physical construction.
Our Digital Engineers took multiple models from a range of different organisations and used Solidworks, Revit (autodesk) and Blender with a bit of Adobe Premier Pro and boomfa! We created this sweet visual concept.